
"The 2002 lows are very vulnerable and chances are good they are going to be broken. If you look at the chart below you see a massive double top with a critical 10 year support at 2002. And we're breaking that support". Acestea sunt cuvintele rostite de Louise Yamanda în noiembrie 2008. Pentru cei care nu au auzit până acum acest nume, voi aminti că Louise a câştigat patru ani la rând(între 2001-2004) titlul de cel mai bun analist tehnic, iar asta cred că e de apreciat. Oricum, reţineţi acest nume întrucât sunt convins că veţi mai auzi de ea.
Privind la grafic, este limpede că avem de-a face cu un double top(ce simplu-i acum!). Ceea ce este interesant de aflat acum, este noul prag. Sunt mulţi cei care spun că am ajuns la "fundul găleţii", sau, "academic" spus, în punctul minim al unei evoluţii în U. E greu de crezut asta atât timp cât situaţia economică este departe de fi rezolvată. Luând în considerare numai pierderea record afişată de AIG, cred că putem lesne intui că suntem aproape de un nou cutremur. Este extrem de posibil ca AIG să fie lăsată să intre în faliment(vezi în clip-ul ataşat opiniile lui Jim Rogers pe această temă), ceea ce va induce o nouă undă de şoc, similară cu cea produsă de falimentul Lehman Brothers.
Revenind la indicii pieţei americane, previziunile sunt sumbre. Deocamdată următoarele praguri sunt: 4000 pentru DJIA şi 400 pentru S&P 500.Nişte cifre aproape rotunde.
In termeni reali nu-i nici o surpriza ca DOWn Jones sa ajunga la 4000. Dar ce se poate intampla chiar inainte sa vedem indicele sub 5000 este ca dolarul sa fie lovit de inflatie. Asa ca de preferat ar fi sa-l raportezi la ceva mai solid ca si punct de referinta. Cum ar fi aurul de care tot discutam pe aici.
RăspundețiȘtergereGurile rele zic ca uncia de aur s-ar putea sa depaseasca in valoare indicele DOW. Raportul acum este de 6700 la 950 iar in viitor s-ar putea sa ajunga ceva gen 8000 la 10.000 sau echivalent... :)
Si mai vin cu un articol excelent, din care am citat doar o mica parte desi recomand calduros sa-l cititi pe tot:
Gold: Musings & Peptalk
A small news item appeared in the press this week, one which gathered almost no attention. If Morgan Stanley expects gold to slide all year, and silver to slide all year, like down to $11 per ounce in a corporate research forecast, then maybe they should tell Goldman Sachs. The kings of insider trading, taking full advantage of both USGovt implemented policy and politically managed commodity indexes, Goldman Sachs made an important move. They covered their remaining 69 short gold futures positions on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM). They have reduced their position to zero. In May 2006, the GSax position reached 52,000 short gold contracts. Now it is zero. TOCOM is unique, unlike the corrupted US commodity exchanges, since it requires all parties to post and publish their positions in a public manner. So Goldman must know something about the hugely positive prospects of gold. How about the new currencies to arrive by the stork in about one year time will all contain a gold component??? The simplest statement one can make about Wall Street is that traders became traitors.
Tot din articolul precedent niste bucati excelente...
RăspundețiȘtergereMORGUE & CEMETERIES
The USDollar has been stuck at the morgue in recent months, lying on a cold metal table. It owns a toe tag for easy identification. Its powerful counter-trend rally is testament to something, to be sure. The establishment prefers to claim that the USDollar is stronger than other currencies, that the USEconomy will emerge from the crisis before other nations, that the US banks will respond sooner than foreign banks. This is all rubbish. Furthermore, the US central bankers have been without any doubt whatsoever the stupidest analysts on the planet during the entire introduction, entrenchment, and advance of the crisis. They have missed every single call and pronouncement. Lost central bank integrity begins within the US. To claim the Untied States is first to emerge goes counter to its inept leadership in the banking sphere. No! The USDollar is stuck at the morgue, which quack team doctors struggle to produce falsified evidence that it can return to the playing field. The arrival of new strong global reserve currencies is the death knell to the USDollar. Their arrival is due in January 2010, but expect a struggle (possibly with a military component) to force a possible delay. When in place, they will come with bylines of the USDollar finally being moved to its proper destination, the cemetery. Ironically, the longer the process takes to send it to the cemetery, the higher the gold price will achieve in the preliminary stage before the USDollar loses its monopoly in usage, or one should say its privilege to be abused in a profound hegemony that history will tell.
Inca o bucata dolar vs aur:
A recent past article argued the disconnection between the USDollar exchange rate and the gold price. That is the biggest gold story beyond basic price in the last few months. Even hack analysts have noticed, the dullest bulbs on the media light fixtures. This means that all foreign currencies have the opportunity, possibly fully taken, to lift the gold price. The gold price in US$ terms has been the last one to break out. It has not yet broken out to new highs. Gold has broken out to new highs in every major currency in powerful fashion. The longer it takes to do so in US$ terms, the more powerful it will be, since foreign investors will pile on in what should become a global confirmation love fest. Never under-estimate gold fever.
Si alternative:
The Arabs, Russians, and Germans have already made decisions for new global reserve currencies. They will not only have a gold component, but a crude oil component as well. They might have other commodity components such as iron or copper. Include cotton too, which is needed to make the paper! The objective is to seek stability in both the banking sector and commodity price sector. Due to US$ foundation, and US$-based trading, the banking sector has been rendered insolvent and the commodity price arenas have been rendered fallacious. That cannot stand. For now, the new global reserve currencies have been shoved in a drawer at a guarded conference table. What are they waiting for? Simply stated, they are waiting for the US$ to die a horrible death, for the global US$-based banking system to demand an alternative amidst crisis, for the political interference to fade from the passage of time and the expedience of need. The foreigners need not act, since nature is taking its course. The liquidation process underway inside the US is painful and inexorable, yet certainly unstoppable.
Doi tipi, nici nu contează acum numele lor, argumentau, cu vreo zece ani în urmă, de ce trebuie să fie indicele Dow Jones la 36.000 de puncte(http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/99sep/9909dow.htm). Unde e acum?
RăspundețiȘtergereCe vreau să spun? Un nene, altminteri extrem de bun economist, şi un tip onest şi auster, care s-a sinucis pentru că nişte jurnalişti cretini l-au acuzat pe nedrept de corupţie, falsificând nişte fapte, Pierre Beregovoy pe numele lui, premier al Franţei, spunea că dacă vrea să afle adevărat stare a economiei franceze, nu se uită pe grafice şi statistici, pe ecranul calculatorului, ci se duce să numere camioanele la poarta Orleans. E poarta de intrare în Paris(o ficţiune istorică acum) dinspre porturile de la Atlantic. Cu alte cuvinte e importantă şi analiza asta, cu grafice, pante, duble cocoaşe, dar parcă mai important este contactul cu economia reală, aia care-şi cară produsele cu camioanele prin poarta Orleans.
O sa fie DOW Jones si 36.000 in curand.
RăspundețiȘtergereCand painea va fi 10 dolari si loganul 100.000 dolari.
Hiperinflatie se numeste :)